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New issue profile

Learn more about the features and benefits of the new issue profile.

Why are we introducing the new Issues profile?

The new Issues profile is a redesigned incident management space, which you and your team can use to collaborate on the daily challenges you face in your business.

We’ve added visual components to the new Issues profile so you can choose between reviewing the issue summary, any attached media, or just the activity log. This ensures you can readily document, easily analyze, and manage issues on the go.

What's new

Overview tab

If you're after the big picture, head to the Overview tab, which summarises the key details you need to know about an issue. From there, you can check if any custom questions were answered, where the incident happened, what files were attached, and if the issue is linked to an inspection or action. You can also edit any of those details from this tab. Alternatively, click Plus iconAdd to start an inspection or action, and attach a file.

Files tab

You can view photos, PDF files, and even videos attached to an issue in the Files tab. If you’d like to add a new one, you can also do so from this tab.

View the File tab in the new Issue profile via the web app.

Activity tab

Keep up to speed with all the updates associated with an issue when you use the Activity tab, which now stores your issue timeline. You’ll see to whom the issue was shared, if anyone started or completed an inspection, and any comments or media that your team members added.

View the Activity tab in the new Issue profile via the web app.

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