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Create Heads Ups

Learn how to create Heads Ups via the web app and the mobile app.

Why create Heads Ups?

For many organizations, the lines of communication to frontline workers tend to be fragmented, confusing, and sometimes non-existent. This can create problems such as workers not being aware of regulation changes or managers not knowing who hasn't seen updated training materials. With Heads Up, we've created a one-to-many communication solution that guarantees simple knowledge sharing and acknowledgments.

You can only create draft Heads Ups and schedule them to be published later via the web app. To be published, each Heads Up requires a title, a description, and at least one user assigned to it.

If you've created a Heads Up, but need to add more details or update the assignees, you can edit it via the web app.

Create a Heads Up

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Heads Up from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click Plus iconCreate Heads Up on the upper-right of the page. Create a Heads Up via the web app.

  4. Configure the Heads Up accordingly. As you add details to your Heads Up, the preview shown on the right-hand side of the page will automatically update.

  5. Click Check (clear) iconPublish on the lower-left of the page.

  6. In the pop-up window, click Publish. If you want to save your Heads Up as a draft and come back to it later, click Back iconBack on the upper-left of the page and select Save Draft. You can also schedule your Heads Up to be published later by clicking image on the right-hand side of the Check (clear) iconPublish button and selecting a date and time. Publish a Heads Up via the web app.

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Tap Home at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Tap image at the lower-right of your screen and select Create Heads Up. Create a Heads Up from the Home screen via the iOS mobile app.

  4. Configure the Heads Up accordingly.

  5. Tap image or Publish at the upper-right of your screen.

  6. In the pop-up window, tap PUBLISH.

When you assign a Heads Up to a group or site, only the users present in the group or site at the time of publishing can view it. Any changes to their membership after assignment will not be reflected in the assignee list.

Heads Up fields

You can upload and configure the following fields for each Heads Up:




The media attachments for a Heads Up. You can attach up to 6 media files, including videos (up to three minutes or 1.5GB), images (up to 50MB in total), and PDF files (up to 50MB). For video files, MP4, MOV, AVI, WMV, and WEBM formats are supported.


The title of a Heads Up. Allows up to 70 characters.


The description of a Heads Up. Allows up to 2,000 characters.

Share Heads Up externally

The shareable link and QR code of a Heads Up.

Assigned to

The assignees of a Heads Up. You can assign Heads Ups to users, groups, and site members.

Request Acknowledgment

The toggle to select whether acknowledgments are required for a Heads Up.

Comments enabled

The toggle to allow commenting for a Heads Up.

Reactions enabled

The toggle to allow adding emoji reactions for a Heads Up.

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