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Add site members

Learn how to add users to sites as members via the web app.

Why add users to sites as members?

Site membership allows you to give your team members a more relevant experience when they use SafetyCulture for inspections, actions, issues, and more. For example, you can configure advanced access rules to automatically give inspection access based on site membership or bulk create inspection schedules for sites and assign to their members.

You can add users to up to 40 sites or levels, such as areas and regions, as direct members. If you add users to levels, they'll become inherited members of all sites below.

Take note

  • You can add site members in six different ways:

    • Add via a user's profile: This is the best way to add a single user to multiple sites or levels. This method requires the "Platform management: Users" permission.

    • Add via the site list: This is the best way to add multiple members to a single site or level.

    • Add via a site or level's profile: This is an alternative way to add multiple members to a single site or level.

    • Add in bulk via the site list: This is the best way to add multiple members to multiple levels.

    • Add in bulk via the site matrix: This is an alternative way to add multiple members to multiple levels.

    • Add via CSV upload: This is an alternative way to add multiple members to multiple levels.

  • Depending on your organization's site selection settings, each site member may only be able to see sites they're a member of when selecting in inspections, actions, issues, schedules, and when filtering.

Want to give users membership to more than 40 sites? Group your sites and add users to the new level as members, and they'll inherit membership to all grouped sites within the level.

Add users to a site or level

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Sites.

  3. Click image on the right-hand side of the site or level's name. Add users to sites from the site list via the web app.

  4. In the side panel, click the dropdown menu and select the users accordingly.

  5. Click Done.

  6. Click Save and apply.

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Sites.

  3. Click the name of the site or level.

  4. Select the Members tab and click Add users to site on the right-hand side. Add users from a site or level profiles via the web app.

  5. In the side panel, click the dropdown menu and select the users accordingly.

  6. Click Done.

  7. Click Save and apply.

Add a user to multiple sites or levels

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Users.

  3. Click the name of the user.

  4. Select the Sites tab above the "Details" box.

  5. Click Add user to sites on the right-hand side. Add a user to multiple sites or levels via the web app.

  6. In the side panel, click the dropdown menu and select the sites or levels accordingly.

  7. Click Done.

  8. Click Save and apply.

Add multiple users to multiple sites or levels

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Sites.

  3. Check the sites' or levels' boxes and click Add users to site on the lower-right corner of the page. Add users to multiple sites or levels via the web app.

  4. In the side panel, click the dropdown menu and select the users accordingly.

  5. Click Done.

  6. Click Save and apply.

Bulk add members via the site matrix

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Sites.

  3. Click Site matrix on the upper-right of the page.

  4. On this page under each level's tab, site names are laid out horizontally and usernames are listed vertically. Both in alphabetical order.

  5. Add or remove users accordingly by using the checkboxes against respective sites. You can use the filter to narrow down the list or click on the user or site to bring their checkboxes into view. Assign site membership via the group matrix on the web app.

  6. Changes are saved as you go.

Bulk add site members via CSV upload

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Sites.

  3. Click image on the upper-right corner of the page and select Cloud upload iconBulk upload sites.

  4. Download your site list as a CSV by clicking Download existing site list. Bulk add site members via CSV upload on the web app.

  5. Add site members by entering their email addresses under the "members" column within your CSV, separated using a semicolon and a space, and save your changes.

  6. Drag and drop your CSV file into the "Drag your CSV file here" box or click browse to select the file from your computer directory.

  7. Match your CSV column headers with their corresponding fields, then click Review data.

  8. Confirm that your CSV data has uploaded correctly, then click Save and upload.

Add group members to a site or level

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Sites.

  3. Click the site or level you want to add group members to.

  4. Click Add group members on the upper-right of the page. Add group members to sites via the web app.

  5. In the side panel, select the groups you want to add as site members and click Save and apply.

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