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Edit Heads Ups

Learn how to edit Heads Ups via the web app.

Take note

  • You can only edit a Heads Up's media, description, and title up to one hour after publishing.

  • You can add or remove a Heads Up's assignees at any time.

  • You can filter the list to only show Heads Ups you've created using the "Author" filter.

When you assign a Heads Up to a group or site, only the users present in the group or site at the time of publishing can view it. Any changes to their membership after assignment will not be reflected in the assignee list.

Edit a Heads Up

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Heads Up from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click the Manage Heads Up tab on the top of the page.

  4. Click image on the Heads Up's right-hand side and select Edit iconEdit. Edit a Heads Up via the web app.

  5. Edit the Heads Up accordingly.

  6. Click Save on the lower-left of the page.

  7. In the pop-up window, click Publish.

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