Dernière mise à jour:

Créer des catégories d'observations

Apprenez à configurer les catégories d'observations à partir de l'application Web.

What are issue categories?

Issue categories allow you to manage who can report incidents in your organization, arrange information that's included in the initial report, and edit the contents and recipients of your issue notifications. You can also use categories to set up Critical Alerts for high-priority issues to ensure that users receive notifications even when their devices are on mute or in "Do not Disturb" mode. Plus, with issue categories, you can suggest templates for more detailed investigations of specific issues.

Manage issue categories via the web app.

Créer une catégorie d'observations

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Issues iconObservations from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Select Catégories from the top of the page.

  4. Click Plus iconAjouter une catégorie on the upper-right of the page.

  5. In the pop-up window, enter a category name and click Ajouter une catégorie.

  6. In Flux de travail, you can customize the following settings:

    • Edit the category name: Go to the “Category name” box. Click Modifier le nom, and enter a new category name.

    • Set up your email notifications: Go to the “Notifications” box. Click Modifier les notifications, and in the side panel, select the recepients of your notifications and the details to include in the email notification.

    • Set up Critical Alerts: Go to the “Critical Alert notifications” box. Click Modifier les notifications, and in the side panel, select the recipients of your alerts.

    • Define the issue fields: Go to the “Issue fields” box. Click Pencil icon to turn each field on or off and set each field as optional or required. Click Drag icon to reorder the fields.

    • Add custom questions: Go to the “Custom questions” box. Click Plus iconAjouter une question and enter the questions you want to include in the initial report. Click Drag icon to reorder the fields.

  7. Click Accès on the top of the page to customize the following settings:

    • Manage category visibility: Turn Category visibility on or off to show or hide the issue category. Click Modifier to select who can report issues related to this category.

    • Set up issue access: Go to the “Issue access” box. Click Modifier to select who can view issues reported using the category.

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