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Billing and integrations

Learn how to manage your organization's SafetyCulture plan and streamline your workflows with integrations.

How do I manage billing and integrations for my organization?

It's essential to review and update your billing information regularly. This includes verifying payment methods, billing addresses, and contact details to prevent billing errors, late payments, and service disruptions. Next, you'll want to manage your integration tools effectively. This involves staying informed about updates and compatibility requirements, and ensuring your tools are properly configured and functioning as expected for your day-to-day operations. You can oversee anything related to your SafetyCulture plan and integration tools for your organization on the web app.

Location of Billing and Integrations in the web app.

If you are on the Free Plan, you can skip this article and dive into Structure your organization.

Billing details

Billing shows details about your current SafetyCulture plan, which should always be up to date. Here's what you need to know about your billing details as you set up your organization.

  • When you sign up for a paid plan with a credit card, you must provide a billing address that matches your card's address to avoid payment issues or concerns with your billing statements and tax invoices.

  • Update your billing email to receive billing-related emails, such as tax invoices and payment notifications.

Update your billing name

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Facturation.

  3. Click Détails at the top of the page.

  4. Click Edit iconModifier in the "Billing details" box. Update your plan's billing name via the SafetyCulture web app

  5. Update your billing name accordingly.

  6. Click Enregistrer et appliquer.

Mettre à jour votre adresse de facturation

  1. Connexion à l'application Web.

  2. Cliquez sur le nom de votre organisation en bas à gauche de la page et sélectionnez Facturation.

  3. Cliquez sur Détails en haut de la page.

  4. Cliquez sur Edit iconModifier dans la case « détails de facturation ». Edit iconModifier

  5. Mettez à jour votre adresse de facturation.

  6. Cliquez sur Enregistrer et appliquer.

Mettre à jour votre adresse de facturation

  1. Connexion à l'application Web.

  2. Cliquez sur le nom de votre organisation en bas à gauche de la page et sélectionnez Facturation.

  3. Cliquez sur Détails en haut de la page.

  4. Cliquez sur Edit iconModifier dans la case « Contact ». Edit iconModifier

  5. Mettez à jour votre e-mail de facturation, puis cliquez sur Enregistrer et appliquer.

Billing plan

Billing cycles determine how often your organization is billed for its billing plan. With SafetyCulture, you can choose to be billed either monthly or annually, offering you month-to-month flexibility or a lower price when locking in for a year. If your organization is on the Premium Plan already, we understand that you may sometimes need to switch how often you’re billed as your business’s circumstances change.

If you're currently trialing the Premium Plan, you can switch your billing cycles at any time without losing your trial period.

Passer d'un forfait mensuel à annuel

  1. Connexion à l'application Web.

  2. Cliquez sur le nom de votre organisation en bas à gauche de la page et sélectionnez Facturation.

  3. Cliquez sur Edit iconModifier l'abonnement en haut à droite de la page.

  4. Dans le panneau latéral, cliquez sur le menu déroulant « Conditions de l'offre » et sélectionnez Annuel.

  5. Cliquez sur Mettre à jour l'abonnement. Cette opération crédite votre compte d'un montant proportionnel aux jours restants de la période, débite votre méthode de paiement du coût annuel et fixe le renouvellement de votre offre à la même date l'année prochaine.

Passer d'un forfait annuel à un forfait mensuel

Veuillez contacter notre équipe de support client ou votre gestionnaire de compte pour faire passer votre offre d'une facturation annuelle à une facturation mensuelle.


In most organizations, software integration capability is essential to automate tedious tasks, minimize human error, and centralize data to a single source of truth. From automatically emailing or uploading inspection reports into cloud drives to bulk exporting SafetyCulture data for business analysis, the opportunities to integrate with SafetyCulture and optimize your workflows are endless.

Although it is not a top priority during the initial setup, you can explore the following articles to see just how powerful integrations can be for you and your team:

Check out more in-depth content in the Integrations section.

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