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Update the course type for courses

Learn how to manage the course type for courses via the web app.

What are course types?

Course types help you empower your team with tailored educational experiences by making training courses mandatory. optional, or recurring. With this personalized learning style, your team can also enjoy enhanced learning outcomes as courses are customized to suit the training needs of their roles.

These course types can also help you determine completion requirements for training courses assigned to your team.

Manage the course type for a training course via the web app.


This course type requires assigned users to complete a course. Depending on the setting, you can either set a due date or set a number of days for them to complete the course. For example, you can have mandatory courses with a due date for training that's required for regulatory compliance.

Adjust mandatory course settings via the web app.


This course type allows assigned users to take and complete a course at any time. You can try this setting for optional training courses that can help your team improve the way they do their jobs.


This course type is only available for Premium and Enterprise plans.

This course type helps you reassign users to a course on a specified schedule. You can set the course expiration date based on the number of months after it's published, the number of months after it's completed, or on a specific date in a year. On this expiration date, the course completion status resets.

Ideally, users should be reassigned to a course before it expires. You can set the course due date to remind users to complete it after a certain number of days upon assignment or once the course is published.

Once these settings are configured, the course reassignment date is calculated based on the expiration date subtracted by the number of days in the due date. This helps to ensure that the assigned users can retake and complete the course before it expires.

Posts and comments don't reset, so for Discussion and Assignment lesson types, users don't need to resubmit their responses for the course to be considered complete.

If you use course completion certificates to certify your team members, consider adding an expiration date to them.

Update the course type for a course

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Training iconFormación from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. If you're on the "Learn" page, click Contenido at the top of the page and select Courses.

  4. Hover your cursor over the course and click Ver or Editar.

  5. If you're editing an existing course and it's published, click Pencil iconEditar on the upper-right of the page.

  6. Click Configurar at the top of the page.

  7. Scroll to the "COURSE TYPE" section and select the type accordingly.

    • Mandatory: Set a course due date to ensure that assigned users can complete it on time.

    • Optional: Let assigned users complete the course at any time.

    • Recurring: Set the expiration and due dates to reenroll assigned users before the course expires. Manage the course type for a training course via the web app.

Si su curso es actualmente un borrador, recuerde hacer clic en Publish course iconPublicar ahora para que los cambios estén disponibles para su equipo.

Frequently asked questions

La fecha de vencimiento de un curso depende de cuándo se le asigne a un usuario. Por ejemplo, si un curso con una fecha de vencimiento de 30 días se asigna a un grupo el 1 de enero, entonces vencerá el 31 de enero para los usuarios preexistentes del grupo. Sin embargo, si se añade un nuevo usuario al grupo el 15 de enero, entonces la fecha de vencimiento del curso para este nuevo usuario será el 14 de febrero.

Actualmente no hay forma de asignar el mismo curso como obligatorio para algunos usuarios y opcional o recurrente para otros. Sin embargo, puede duplicar el curso y seleccionar un tipo de curso diferente para cada copia.

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