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Update Global Response Sets

Learn how to update Global Response Sets via the web app and the mobile app.

What are Global Response Sets (GRS)?

Global Response Sets (GRS) are lists of items that you can reuse across templates as multiple-choice responses. You can apply a GRS to all templates in your organization and make changes from a single point.

Take note

  • Each response in a Global Response Set has the following attributes that can be customized:

    • Response label: Click a response to edit the label.

    • Rearrange a response: Click and hold image next to a response to drop it into the desired position. Please note rearranging your responses via drag and drop is not supported for GRSs containing more than 500 responses.

    • Add a response: Click Add section button within TrainingAdd response to add responses individually.

    • Delete a response: Click a response and click image on the right-hand side to delete the response.

    • CSV Upload: You can add GRS responses in bulk via CSV upload.

  • You can only have up to 15,000 responses in each GRS.

  • GRSs can be added to templates as a type of response, similar to custom response sets.

  • Each GRS response has a fixed score value of "1" and is visible in a light gray color (hex: #707070) in inspections and reports.

Published changes made to templates only apply to new inspections moving forward.

Update a Global Response Set (GRS)

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Templates from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Select Responses from the tab on the top of the page.

  4. Click the GRS.

  5. In the side panel, add and update responses accordingly.

  6. Click Save and apply.

  7. Click Publish on the upper-right of the page to publish the template. If you're not ready to publish the template, you can go back to the templates list and come back when you're ready.

You can also update a Global Response Set while editing a template. Keep in mind that changes you make to the Global Response Set apply to all templates that use it.

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