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View missed and late inspections

Learn how to view missed and late inspections via the web app.

Take note

  • Missed and late inspections are scheduled inspections that are not completed by the due date and time. This includes schedules that allow assignees to submit late inspections past the due date and time.

View missed and late inspections

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Schedule from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click Missed/Late Inspections on the top of the page.

  4. On this page, you will see the following information for each missed or late inspection. You can use the search field and filters on top of the list to narrow down results.

    • Schedule missed: The name of the schedule.

    • Status: The schedule status. You may come across the three different statuses:

      • Overdue: Indicates the inspection is currently overdue, but the assignee can still submit a late inspection before the next occurrence.

      • Late Submit: Indicates the inspection was not completed within the due date, but a late inspection was submitted. Click the schedule to access the inspection report. Keep in mind that late inspections are considered completed in schedule analytics.

      • Missed: Indicates the schedule was marked as won't do or was not completed within the due date. If the schedule allows assignees to submit late inspections, the inspection becomes missed if it's not completed by the next occurrence or within fourteen days for one-off schedules.

    • Template: The selected template for the schedule.

    • Missed by: The assignees who missed the schedule.

    • Due on: The date and time the schedule was due.

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