- Verwaltung
- Nutzerverwaltung
- Optionen für Nutzerfelder hinzufügen und aktualisieren
Optionen für Nutzerfelder hinzufügen und aktualisieren
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Optionen für Ihre Nutzerfelder über die Web-App hinzufügen und aktualisieren.
Adding and updating options is only applicable to user fields using the "Multiple choice" data type.
Add an option for a user field
Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Nutzer.
Click on the upper-right corner of the page and select Nutzerfelder verwalten.
Click Add option and add options accordingly.
Click Erstellen or Speichern.
You can add options in bulk by copying questions from an external document and pasting them when adding a new option.
Bulk add options for a user field via CSV upload
Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Nutzer.
Click on the upper-right corner of the page and select Nutzerfelder verwalten.
In the side panel, click on the right-hand side of "Options".
Click Bulk upload options (CSV).
In the pop-up window, click Download sample CSV and add each new response to your CSV as a new row under the "Option" column.
Drag and drop your CSV file into the upload box or click durchsuchen to select the file from your computer.
For CSV files with multiple columns, select the column header corresponding to your list of options, then click Daten überprüfen.
Click Hochladen.
Click Erstellen or Speichern.
Update options for a user field
Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Nutzer.
Click on the upper-right corner of the page and select Nutzerfelder verwalten.
In the side panel, update responses accordingly.
To edit an option label: Click an option to edit the label.
To add an option: Click Add option and add an option accordingly.
To delete an option: Click next to the option and click Löschen in the pop-up window.
To bulk delete all options: Click on the right-hand side, then select Delete all. In the pop-up window, click Delete all.
Click Speichern.
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