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Mit Alleinarbeit loslegen

Entdecken Sie, wie Sie die Alleinarbeiter-Funktion in SafetyCulture einrichten und Ihre Organisation damit starten können.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich diese Funktion derzeit im frühen Zugriffs-Modus befindet. Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Kundenbetreuer, und fragen Sie, ob Ihre Organisation daran teilnehmen kann.

What is Lone Worker in SafetyCulture?

The Lone Worker feature in SafetyCulture is designed to enhance the safety and management of employees, offering real-time location tracking on a live map, customizable job types, and automated escalation flows for alert events. It includes periodic check-ins and timely panic alerts sent to designated contacts, ensuring comprehensive protection and oversight. This feature provides an efficient way to monitor and respond to safety concerns, maintaining high standards of worker safety and compliance.

An example of the live map in the Lone Worker feature on the web app.

Get started with Lone Worker

Create groups

Before configuring Lone Worker settings, start by creating groups representing your organization's different roles. This will help you manage the types of jobs each role can initiate and specify who should be alerted if something goes wrong.

An example list of groups to create for the Lone Worker feature.

Create job types

Job types are specific tasks that a user can start and complete. Consider creating job types for the various activities that you need to complete. In some cases, the job types you create might correspond with the groups you've created. For example, for an "Electricians" group, you might have an "Electrical Wiring Installation" job type.

As you create a job type, consider the average duration each job can take and the risk level to inform you what to configure for settings like default duration, whether check-in is required, and how long to wait before contacts are alerted automatically.

An example of a job type's configuration on the web app.

Set up alert escalations

Escalations are settings that determine the job types a group can work on and who will be notified when something goes wrong. Depending on the job types a group works on, you might consider setting up multiple levels of alerting so that if the immediate alert contacts can't be reached, other team members can be notified to offer the worker assistance.

An example of an alert escalation setup on the web app.

Test starting and completing jobs

Now that you've configured the settings for the Lone Worker feature, it's time to test your setup to ensure it's working as expected.

Consider adding yourself to one of the groups that can work on at least one of the job types, then start and complete some jobs for testing. As part of your testing, also try starting a panic to ensure the right people are alerted.

Finally, once you're satisfied with the test results, consider sending a Heads Up to your team members to let them know that they can start jobs using Lone Worker in SafetyCulture.

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