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Aktivitätsprotokoll meiner Organisation anzeigen

Lernen Sie, wie Sie das Aktivitätsprotokoll für Ihre SafetyCulture-Organisation über die Web-App anzeigen können.

Was ist das Aktivitätsprotokoll?

Das Aktivitäts-Log ist eine fortlaufend aktualisierte Liste der Änderungen, die in den letzten 90 Tagen in Ihrer Organisation vorgenommen wurden. So können Sie die Änderungen verfolgen, die Ihr Team in SafetyCulture vorgenommen hat. Dies kann hilfreich sein, wenn eine Inspektion oder Vorlage verloren gegangen ist oder wenn Sie nachvollziehen möchten, wie sich Zugriffsstufen oder Berechtigungs-Sets für bestimmte Nutzer oder Gruppen geändert haben.

Im Aktivitätsprotokoll werden nur bestimmte Nutzer-Aktivitäten aufgezeichnet. Bitte lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn es zusätzliche Ereignisse gibt, die Sie erfassen möchten.

You can only view events that have occurred within the last 90 days via the activity log. The date and time shown are determined by your computer's time zone settings.

Das Aktivitätsprotokoll Ihrer Organisation anzeigen

  1. In der Web-App anmelden.

  2. Klicken Sie unten links auf der Seite auf den Namen Ihrer Organisation und wählen Sie Organisationseinstellungen aus.

  3. Wählen Sie am oberen Rand der Seite die Registerkarte Aktivitätsprotokoll aus.

  4. Klicken Sie im Feld "Aktivitätsprotokoll" auf Aktivitätsprotokoll anzeigen .

  5. Sie können auf Plus iconFilter hinzufügen klicken, um nur bestimmte Ereignistypen oder Aktivitäten anzuzeigen, die innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitrahmens aufgetreten sind. Wenn Sie auf Plus iconFilter hinzufügen klicken, können Sie jedes Ereignis detaillierter betrachten.

Das Aktivitätsprotokoll Ihrer Organisation mithilfe der Web-App anzeigen.

Event categories

The "Event category" column indicates which part of the platform the change has occurred.




The Actions category captures all events or activities related to an action. This logs whether an action field, action label, action type, custom status label, recurring action schedule, or priority setting is created, updated, renamed, or deleted. It also logs if a field is mapped or unmapped to type.


The Assets category captures all events or activities related to an asset. This logs whether an asset, asset type, asset type field, or reading is created, updated, archived, deleted, or restored. It also logs if a field is mapped or unmapped to type.


The Authorization category logs whether a user logged in or logged out of the app or whether an API token was generated.


The Credentials category captures all events or activities related to a credential. This logs whether a credential, credential type, credential version, credential setting, or credential media item is created, viewed, added, updated, or deleted. It also logs if a credential is approved, rejected, resubmitted, or renewed.


The Documents category captures all events or activities related to a file, folder, or file tags. This logs whether a file, folder, or file tag is created, updated, renamed, archived, deleted, restored, moved, downloaded, bookmarked, unbookmarked, flagged, or unflagged. It also logs if there are changes in a file or folder permission.

Group management

The Group management category captures all events or activities related to a group. This logs whether users are added or removed.

Heads Up

The Heads Up category captures all events or activities related to a Heads Up. This logs whether a Heads Up is created, updated, or deleted.


The Inspections category captures all events or activities related to an inspection. This logs whether an inspection is started, completed, duplicated, archived, restored, or deleted.


The Integrations category captures all events or activities related to an integration. This logs whether an integration is installed or uninstalled.


The Issues category captures all events or activities related to an issue. This logs whether an issue, issue category, or issue category field is created, updated, or deleted. It also logs if the issue category notification or issue category visibility is updated.

Permissions management

The Permissions management category captures all events or activities related to a permission set. This logs whether a permission set is created, assigned, updated, or deleted.


The Sensors category captures all events or activities related to sensors. This logs whether a sensor or gateway is added, updated, removed, archived, or unarchived, as well as whether a sensor location name or sensor alert configuration is updated.


The Settings category logs whether any setting is modified.


The Sites category captures all events or activities related to a site. This logs whether a site is created or deleted, as well as if a site name, site label, site membership, or site setting is updated.


The Templates category captures all events or activities related to a template. This logs whether a template or template folder is created, updated, archived, restored, or deleted.

User management

The User management category captures all events or activities related to a user in the organization. This logs whether a user is invited, added, deleted, activated, deactivated, or removed. It also logs whether user details such as user name, password, email address, seat type, or timezone is updated.

Frequently asked questions

Ja, Sie können die Option CSV herunterladen oben rechts auf der Seite verwenden, um Ihre Daten als CSV-Datei herunterzuladen. Welche Daten in der CSV-Datei enthalten sind, hängt von den Filteroptionen ab, die Sie festgelegt haben.

Viewing users who joined using an invite link is currently unsupported in the activity log. However, you can view which users and the date they joined in the invite link's settings.

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