Última actualización:

Gestionar campos de usuario

Aprenda a editar y reordenar los campos de usuario en su organización a través de la aplicación web.

Editing the data type for an existing field is currently unsupported.

Editar un campo de usuario

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Usuarios.

  3. Click More vertical icon on the upper-right corner of the page and select Users tag iconGestionar campos de usuario.

  4. Click More vertical icon on the user field's right-hand side, then select Pencil iconEditar. image

  5. In the side panel, edit the fields and settings as needed. For fields using the "Multiple choice" data type, you can add or update options as needed.

  6. Click Enviar.

Reordenar campos de usuario

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Usuarios.

  3. Click More vertical icon on the upper-right corner of the page and select Users tag iconGestionar campos de usuario.

  4. Click and hold Drag icon on the left-hand side of the user field to drag and drop the field to your desired order.

  5. Changes are saved automatically.

User fields displayed on user profiles will follow the order you’ve specified.

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