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Vincular plantillas a categorías de contratiempos

Learn how to link templates to issue categories via the web app and mobile app.

After reporting an issue, users typically need to conduct an inspection to start a more detailed investigation of the incident. Making templates readily available at this point helps them streamline their incident resolution process and ensures they capture all the details accurately.

You can pre-select up to 25 templates to link to an issue category.

Vincular plantillas en una categoría de contratiempos

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Issues iconContratiempos from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Select Categorías at the top of the page.

  4. Click Editar categoría on the right-hand side of the category.

  5. In Flujo de trabajo, go to the "Link templates" box.

  6. Click Editar.

  7. Search and select the templates you want to link to the issue category.

  8. Click Guardar.

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