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Convert PPT, PDF, and DOCX files to training courses

Learn how to convert PPT, PDF, and DOCX files to training courses via the web app.

How does document conversion to training courses work?

SafetyCulture recognizes the need for organizations to transform their preexisting training and compliance documents into modern, digital, and mobile-friendly training materials. With the help of AI, you can simply upload your PPT, PDF, and DOCX files and our AI takes care of the rest. The AI processes and converts these documents into interactive, bite-size training courses quickly and with minimal effort on your part. This makes it easy to transform your documents into engaging training materials.

Esta función se encuentra actualmente en Acceso temprano. Si le interesa,  contacte con nuestro equipo de soporte técnico o con su gerente de éxito del cliente para verificar si su organización es elegible.

The converter supports PPT, PDF, and DOCX files with a maximum file size of 50MB. If your file exceeds this limit, try splitting it and converting it separately.

Convert a PPT, PDF, and DOCX file to a training course

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Training iconFormación from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. If you're on the "Learn" page, click Contenido at the top of the page.

  4. Click Create course iconCreate course and select Credentials iconConvert a document with AI.

  5. Drag your file in the pop-up window or click examinar, select the file you want to convert, and click Right-arrow iconSiguiente.

  6. Once the course is created, we recommend reviewing and editing it to ensure the content suits your needs.

Si su curso es actualmente un borrador, recuerde hacer clic en Publish course iconPublicar ahora para que los cambios estén disponibles para su equipo.


  • Our document conversion feature will try to output text as close as possible to the original file uploaded, but since it generates text, it may not be an exact one-to-one representation of the document.

  • The AI will attempt to read tables, but the output may vary depending on how the table in the original document is formatted.

  • The AI will try and extract quality images from the documents to include in the course where relevant and supplement these with images from the web. While this feature is currently operational, it occasionally struggles with image extraction. We plan to enhance this feature's capabilities in the future.

  • Diagrams may be difficult to extract, particularly diagrams from PPT presentations.

The quality and organization of an AI-generated course can vary based on the complexity and formatting of the original document. Although our document conversion feature aims to create a structured course, manual adjustments may be needed to achieve the desired outcome.

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