Última actualización:

Move actions to statuses

Learn how to move actions to different statuses via the web app and mobile app.

If you have the "Platform management: Organization" permission, you can manage action status transitions and customize status names to fit your organization's needs.

Move an action to a status

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Actions iconAcciones from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. You can choose how you want to view your actions by selecting between List iconLista, Calendar (dates) iconCalendario, and BoardPanel on the upper-right of the page.

  4. Depending on the selected view, update the status accordingly:

    • List and Calendar: Click the action. Then, in the side panel, choose between To do, In progress, Complete, or Can't do depending on the action's status. Move an action to a status on the web app.

    • Board: Drag the action to the relevant status column.

  5. Changes are saved automatically.

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Tap Actions iconAcciones at the bottom of your screen.

  3. You can choose how you want to view your actions by selecting between image and image at the upper-right of your screen.

  4. Tap the action. Then, choose between To do, In progress, Complete, or Can't do depending on the action's status. Move an action to a status via the mobile app.

  5. Changes are saved automatically.

Las acciones de actualización en masa sólo están disponibles en la aplicación web y al ver como List iconLista. Si está viendo sus acciones como List iconLista, cambie a ver como List iconLista en la parte superior derecha de la página.

Bulk move actions to a status

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Actions iconAcciones from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Check the actions' boxes for the actions you want to bulk update statuses for.

  4. Click Check (clear) iconUpdate status on the lower-right corner of the page. Bulk move actions' statuses via the web app.

  5. Select the status.

  6. In the pop-up window, click Actualizar estado.

Frequently asked questions

Si no puede mover la acción a un estado determinado, significa que el estado en particular está restringido solo a usuarios o grupos seleccionados. Contacte con los usuarios con el permiso de "Gestión de la plataforma: organización" para que pueda mover la acción al estado en particular.

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