Última actualización:

Anotar imágenes en inspecciones

Aprenda a anotar imágenes en inspecciones a través de la aplicación web y la aplicación móvil.

Why annotate images in inspections?

Annotating images in inspections helps team members understand the context behind observations in captured photos and address the issues they're pointing out. This leads to a more efficient inspection process, facilitating accurate reporting and better decision-making. It can also improve safety and compliance across your operations.

You can only annotate images uploaded in questions using the “Annotation” response type on the web app.

Annotate an image

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Templates iconTemplates from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Start or edit an inspection.

  4. Click Mobile app: Paintbrush iconAnnotate on the question's upper-right.

  5. In the pop-up window, annotate the image accordingly.

  6. Click Hecho on the upper-right of the pop-up window.

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Tap Inspecciones at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Start or edit an inspection.

  4. Tap Image-plus iconMedia below the question response. You can also tap Image-plus iconAdd media to upload an image to a question using the "media" response type.

  5. Tap Camera (media) iconAdd photos and capture images using the camera. You can also tap the images at the left-hand corner of the camera screen to upload images from your mobile device.

  6. Tap Siguiente.

  7. Select an image to annotate and tap Circle-marker icon for annotateAnnotate at the left-hand corner of the screen.

  8. Annotate the image accordingly and tap image when you're done.

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Tap Inspecciones at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Start or edit an inspection.

  4. Tap Images iconFotos below the question response. You can also tap Image-plus iconAdd media to upload an image to a question using the "media" response type.

  5. Tap Take photo and capture images using the camera. You can also tap Photo library and upload images from your mobile device.

  6. Tap Siguiente.

  7. Select an image to annotate and tap Circle-marker icon for annotateAnnotate at the left-hand corner of the screen.

  8. Annotate the image accordingly and tap Hecho when you're done.

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