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Capture weather details in inspections

Learn how to capture weather details in inspections via the mobile app.

Why capture weather details in inspections?

We know that weather conditions may be an important factor during inspections. Instead of manually observing the weather or switching to another app, you can conveniently capture daily weather details directly within your inspection based on your device's location.

Weather detail in an inspection via the mobile app.

What you'll need

You can only capture weather details in questions using the "Text answer" response type with the "Paragraph" format.

Capture weather details in an inspection

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Tap Inspections icon mobileInspections at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Start or edit an inspection.

  4. Progress through the inspection accordingly.

  5. Tap image on the right-hand side of the text answer question.

  6. Select Weather from the pop-up options.

  7. Tap Use today's details to capture the weather details.

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