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Disable or enable inspection scoring

Learn how to disable or enable inspection scoring via the web app.

Why disable or enable inspection scoring?

We understand the scoring feature may not be relevant to some of the templates in your organization. Depending on the context of an inspection, you can easily disable or enable scoring from templates with a click of a button instead of manually updating the score value of individual questions and responses.

Disabling scoring for a template doesn't immediately hide the score from its inspection reports. You can hide the score by creating report layouts.

Published changes made to templates only apply to new inspections moving forward.

Disable or enable inspection scoring

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Templates from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click the template and select Edit template in the side panel.

  4. Click image on the upper-right of the page and select Disable scoring or Enable scoring accordingly.

  5. Click Publish on the upper-right of the page to publish the template. If you're not ready to publish the template, you can go back to the templates list and come back when you're ready.

Disabling and re-enabling scoring will reset all score values to 0.

Disable scoring for a question

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Templates from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click the template and select Edit template in the side panel.

  4. Click image on the upper-right corner of an inspection page, next to the "Type of response" column.

  5. Check the Score box to show the "Max score" column.

  6. Click the question's max score field and remove the score. The question's score will be set as "0".

  7. Click Publish on the upper-right of the page to publish the template. If you're not ready to publish the template, you can go back to the templates list and come back when you're ready.

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Tap Inspections at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Select Templates tab at the top of your screen.

  4. Tap the template and select Pencil iconEdit template from the pop-up options.

  5. Tap Extra options on the upper-right corner of an inspection page.

  6. Check the Score box to show the "Max score" field.

  7. Select the question and tap the current max score.

  8. Tap the question's max score field and remove the score. The question's score will be set as "0".

  9. Tap Done on the upper-right of the keyboard, then tap image on the upper-left of the screen.

  10. Tap Publish on the upper-right of your screen to publish the template. If you're not ready to publish the template, you can go back to the templates list and come back when you're ready.

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Tap Inspections at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Select Templates tab at the top of your screen.

  4. Tap the template and select Pencil iconEdit template from the pop-up options.

  5. Tap image on the upper-right corner of an inspection page, next to the "Type of response" column.

  6. Check the Score box to show the "Max score" field.

  7. Select the question and tap the current max score.

  8. Tap the question's max score field and remove the score. The question's score will be set as "0".

  9. Tap Publish on the upper-right of your screen to publish the template. If you're not ready to publish the template, you can go back to the templates list and come back when you're ready.

Disable scoring for a response

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Templates from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click the template and select Edit template in the side panel.

  4. Select any question and click image on the right-hand side, under "Type of response".

  5. Click image on the right-hand side of the custom response set.

  6. In the side panel, click the response and remove the score value. The response score will be set as "/".

  7. Click Save and apply.

  8. Click Publish on the upper-right of the page to publish the template. If you're not ready to publish the template, you can go back to the templates list and come back when you're ready.

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Tap Inspections at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Select Templates tab at the top of your screen.

  4. Tap the template and select Pencil iconEdit template from the pop-up options.

  5. Select any question and tap image below the question.

  6. Tap image on the right-hand side of the custom response set.

  7. Tap the response and remove the score value. The response score will be set as "/".

  8. Tap Save and apply

  9. Tap Publish on the upper-right of your screen to publish the template. If you're not ready to publish the template, you can go back to the templates list and come back when you're ready.

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Tap Inspections at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Select Templates tab at the top of your screen.

  4. Tap the template and select Pencil iconEdit template from the pop-up options.

  5. Select any question and tap image on the right-hand side, under "Type of response".

  6. Tap image on the right-hand side of the custom response set.

  7. In the side panel, tap the response and remove the score value. The response score will be set as "/".

  8. Tap Save and apply

  9. Tap Publish on the upper-right of your screen to publish the template. If you're not ready to publish the template, you can go back to the templates list and come back when you're ready.

Frequently asked questions

When you publish changes made to templates, it will only be applied to future inspections. However, you can use report layouts instead to hide the scores in your existing inspection reports.

Additionally, you can create a new report layout without scoring and make it a default layout instead.

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