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Create deep links to SafetyCulture

Learn how to create deep links (deeplinks) to the SafetyCulture (formerly iAuditor) web app and the mobile app.

Deep linking is the practice of directing users deeper into a web page or mobile app through the use of uniform resource identifiers (URI). In the context of SafetyCulture, you can create deep links that take your team members to specific templates, inspections, and even specific inspection pages or questions. This is a great way to accurately direct people to where they need to go, to either start a new inspection or edit an existing one.

Please note that deep links between the web app and the mobile app are different, so be sure to create the most suitable deep links based on your team's workflows.

When opening a deep link, a user will be prompted to select from which organization they want to open the link if they're a part of multiple organizations.<template_id>

This deep link can direct a user to start an inspection via the web app with a specified template, by supplying the template's unique identifier or "template_id".

You can use the following example as a reference to create your own:<audit_id>

This deep link can direct a user to view an inspection report via the web app by supplying the inspection's unique identifier or "audit_id".

You can use the following example as a reference to create your own:<audit_id>

This deep link can direct a user to edit an inspection via the web app by supplying the inspection's unique identifier or "audit_id".

You can use the following example as a reference to create your own:<audit_id>?item=<item_id>

This deep link can direct a user to edit an inspection starting from a specific question via the web app, by supplying the inspection's unique identifier or "audit_id" and the question's unique identifier or "item_id".

Please note that this deep link does not support questions within repeat sections.

You can use the following example as a reference to create your own:<audit_id>?page=<page_number>

This deep link can direct a user to edit an inspection starting from a specific page via the web app, by supplying the inspection's unique identifier or "audit_id" and the page number.

You can use the following example as a reference to create your own:


This deep link can direct a user to start an inspection via the mobile app with a specified template, by supplying the template's unique identifier or "template_id".

You can use the following example as a reference to create your own:



This deep link can direct a user to start an inspection via the mobile app with a specified template and prefill a specific question with a custom response, by supplying the template's unique identifier or "template_id" and the question's "item_id".

Depending on the response you want to pre-fill, you may need to encode it for the deep link to work. For example, spaces should be replaced with "%20", so "Surry Hills" would be encoded as "Surry%20Hills". You can refer to the URL encoding list for guidance.

Please note that this deep link primarily supports questions with text-based response types such as "Text answer" and "Number", and does not support questions within repeat sections.

You can use the following example as a reference to create your own:



This deep link can direct a user to edit an inspection via the mobile app by supplying the inspection's unique identifier or "audit_id".

You can use the following example as a reference to create your own:



This deep link can direct a user to edit an inspection starting from a specific question via the mobile app, by supplying the inspection's unique identifier or "audit_id" and the question's unique identifier or "item_id".

You can use the following example as a reference to create your own:


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