- Verwaltung
- Nutzerverwaltung
- Nutzerdetails verwalten
Nutzerdetails verwalten
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Nutzerdaten mit Nutzerfeldern über die Web-App verwalten können.
What does it mean to manage user details?
With user fields, you can capture additional information about your users. This includes adding and editing information as needed, to ensure that your users' details are up to date. Whether it’s basic info or custom data such as their job title or department, user fields make it easier to manage your users and ensure you're working with the right information every time.
You can only update details with user fields in bulk. However, bulk updates for fields like name and email are currently unsupported.
Manage a user's details
Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Nutzer.
Click the user's name.
Einstellungen on the upper-right of the page.
Bearbeiten in the "Details" section.
Update the details in the user fields accordingly.
Click Änderungen speichern.
Nutzerdaten in großen Mengen verwalten
Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Nutzer.
Check the boxes on the left-hand side of the users' names.
At the bottom of the page, click Edit fields and select the user field.
In the pop-up window, update the user details accordingly.
Click Aktualisieren.
Adding new responses for user fields with the "Multiple-choice" data type is currently unsupported. You can only add existing responses to the CSV file.
Bulk manage user details via CSV upload
Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Nutzer.
on the upper-right corner of the page and select
Nutzerdaten aktualisieren (CSV).
Click Aktuelle Nutzer herunterladen to download your user list to CSV.
In your CSV, add or edit the users' details under the relevant user field columns based on their data type and save your changes.
Text: Enter alphanumeric inputs. Please note that responses for the "Text" data type are case-sensitive.
Date: Enter a date in the same format set for your organization.
User: Enter the user ID of the user in your organization.
Multiple-choice: Enter any existing response created for the user field.
Drag and drop your CSV file into the "Drag your CSV file here" box or click durchsuchen to select the file from your computer directory.
Ensure that your CSV data has uploaded correctly, then click Confirm updates.
Frequently asked questions
Ja, bei den Details, die für Nutzerfelder mit dem Datentyp „Text“ hinzugefügt werden, wird die Groß-/Kleinschreibung beachtet, um sicherzustellen, dass Nutzer mit denselben Details unter demselben Detail zusammengefasst werden, insbesondere beim Filtern Ihrer Nutzerliste.
Wenn Sie beispielsweise für einen Nutzer „Sopport“ und für einen anderen „Support“ eingeben, werden beim Filtern Ihrer Nutzerliste zwei verschiedene Details zur Auswahl angezeigt:
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