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Referenzen auf CSV-Datei herunterladen

Learn how to download credentials to CSV via the web app.

Please note that you can only download 50,000 credentials at a time. If you want to choose only certain credentials to export, you can filter them.

Referenzen auf CSV-Datei herunterladen

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your username on the lower-left corner of the page and select Qualifikationen.

  3. On the "Credentials" page, select the credential type you want to view.

  4. On the credential list page, click The vertical more icon. on the upper-right side of the page.

  5. Click Download iconCSV herunterladen. This downloads all credentials to CSV, following any applied filters. Download credentials to CSV via the web app.

CSV column headers

Column header



The user a credential is associated with.


The email address of the user associated with a credential.

Credential type

The type of a credential.

Issue date

The issue date of a credential, following your date format setting.

Expiration date

The expiration date of a credential, following your date format setting.

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