Dernière mise à jour:

Gérer les liens d'invitation

Découvrez comment gérer les liens d'invitation au sein de votre organisation à partir de l'application Web.

You can click the invite link and click Paramètres to check which users have joined the organization.

If you are sharing an invite link's QR code and a password has been set, you would need to share the password with your team members internally.

Modifier un lien d'invitation

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Utilisateurs.

  3. Click Link iconGérer les invitations on the upper-right corner of the page.

  4. Click on the invite link you want to edit.

  5. In the side panel, click Paramètres.

  6. Click Modifier in the "Details" section. image

  7. Edit the fields accordingly.

  8. Click Enregistrer.

If you’ve set an expiration date, remember to renew the invite link when required.

Désactiver un lien d'invitation

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Utilisateurs.

  3. Click Link iconGérer les invitations on the upper-right corner of the page.

  4. Click More vertical icon on the right of the link's row and select Deactivate invite linkDésactiver. image

  5. In the pop-up window, click on Désactiver.

Supprimer un lien d'invitation

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Utilisateurs.

  3. Click Link iconGérer les invitations on the upper-right corner of the page.

  4. Click More vertical icon on the right of the link's row and select Delete iconSupprimer. image

  5. In the pop-up window, click on Supprimer.

Modification groupée des liens d'invitation

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Click your organization name on the lower-left corner of the page and select Utilisateurs.

  3. Click Link iconGérer les invitations on the upper-right corner of the page.

  4. Check the boxes on the left-hand side of the invite links you want to edit.

  5. At the bottom of the page, click Modifier and update one of the following options for the users:

    • Clock rotate leftRenouveler: Select a new expiration date for the invite links and click Renouveler.

    • Deactivate invite linkDésactiver: Click Désactiver to deactivate the links.

    • Wand iconRéactiver: Click Réactiver to reactivate the links.

    • Group iconMise à jour de la limite d'invitations: Enter the number of users that can access the invite link to join the organization and click Mettre à jour.

    • Delete iconSupprimer: Click Supprimer to delete the links.


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