Última actualización:

Configurar KPI de gráficos

Aprenda a configurar los KPI de gráficos de Estadísticas a través de la aplicación web.

What are KPIs?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable markers to gauge your team's success and measure the progress as you move towards a goal in mind. With Analytics, you can configure your organization's KPIs to easily identify and set targets as you move towards your goal.

Establecer y supervisar los objetivos de su organización añadiendo un KPI para su gráfico de Estadísticas a través de la aplicación web de SafetyCulture.

Please note that configuring a KPI indicator isn't available for the "Pie", "Table", and "Dual-axis" chart types.

Configurar el KPI de un gráfico

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Pie chart iconEstadísticas from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Edit an existing dashboard or create a new one.

  4. Click image on the upper-right corner of the chart.

  5. Click Chart settings, then select Configuración de KPI.

  6. In the pop-up window, add a name and a target value that will be displayed as an indicator line on the chart.

  7. Depending on the chart type, you can turn “Update chart colors” on to indicate if the values are above or below the target KPI.

    • For the "Timeline table" chart, you can select between "Color-coded numbers" and "Icons" to display whether or not the target is reached.

  8. Click Guardar, then click Save chart on the upper-right of the page.

  9. Click Guardar on the upper-right of the page to save the changes to your dashboard.

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