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Analysen-Diagramme anpassen

In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie mithilfe der Web-App Analysen-Diagramme in Dashboards anpassen können.

Warum soll ich meine Analysen-Diagramme anpassen?

Wenn Sie Ihre Analysen-Diagramme anpassen, können Sie die Daten anzeigen, die für Sie und Ihre Organisation am wichtigsten sind. Sie können Diagrammformate ändern, Eigenschaften anpassen und Filter ändern, um Trends in Ihrer Organisation zu visualisieren.

Wir werden in Zukunft weitere Anpassungsmöglichkeiten für Analysen-Diagramme hinzufügen. Haben Sie Feedback oder Vorschläge? Wir würden uns freuen, von Ihnen zu hören!

Chart customization options

This option allows you to select metrics and related attributes depending on the type of data you want to report on, whether it's for inspections, actions, or issues.

This option lets you add chart titles so you can easily identify the data that your charts represent.

Edit your Analytics chart titles via the SafetyCulture web app.

This option allows you to select a chart type that visually represents your data. Based on your needs, you can choose a bar, pie, line, table, dial, or dual-axis chart.

This option allows you to add a key performance indicator (KPI) and a target value to show whether your organization has reached a particular goal.

Set and monitor your organization's goals by adding in a KPI for your Analytics chart via the SafetyCulture web app.

This option lets you control which data to show or hide in your charts, reducing noise and ensuring that they only show relevant details.

This option lets you resize your charts to appear smaller or larger on your dashboards so you can better see which data is most relevant to your organization.

Selecting metrics under different data types is not currently supported for dual-axis charts. For example, only metrics under the Inspections data set can be used in a dual-axis chart.

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