- Usar SafetyCulture
- Asset maintenance
- Añadir las últimas lecturas de servicio de los activos
Añadir las últimas lecturas de servicio de los activos
Aprenda a añadir las últimas lecturas de servicio a sus activos a través de la aplicación web.
Tenga en cuenta que esta función se encuentra actualmente en Acceso anticipado. Si le interesa, contacte con su gerente de éxito del cliente para verificar si su organización es elegible.
Why track the last service readings of your assets?
Tracking the last service details, specifically the odometer or runtime reading at the time of the most recent service, is crucial for maximizing asset performance and longevity. By keeping this information up to date, organizations can proactively schedule maintenance, avoid unexpected breakdowns, and ensure their assets are always operating at peak performance. This approach helps prevent costly repairs and keep operations running smoothly.
Add an asset's last service reading
Select Activos from the menu on the left-hand side.
Select the Maintenance tab on the top of the page.
Use filters in the maintenance table to select which assets, programs, or sites to view.
Search for the asset you want to add the last service details to.
Click on the upper-right of the table and select Last service to show the column.
In the Last service by odometer or runtime column, click Añadir.
Enter the odometer or runtime reading from the last service.
You can also click to edit an existing reading.
Click .
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