Última actualización:

Gestionar presupuestos de Marketplace

Aprenda a gestionar los presupuestos de su equipo en Marketplace a través de la aplicación web.

Why set Marketplace budgets?

Setting a budget for your users or buying group helps you ensure resources are used wisely. This allows you to allocate budgets by project or location, prioritize essential products, and avoid unnecessary costs. Additionally, team members can request approvals for orders that exceed the budget, so administrators can review and approve these requests before finalizing purchases in the Marketplace.

Revise y apruebe el pedido de su equipo en Marketplace cuando excedan el presupuesto asignado a través de la aplicación web.

Actualmente, la compra de productos en SafetyCulture Marketplace solo está disponible para clientes en Australia y los Estados Unidos.

Budget settings

You can manage the following settings for a user or buying group:

  • Max Order Limit: Set the maximum budget when placing an order.

  • Monthly Limit: Set the maximum budget for the whole month.

Gestionar el presupuesto de un grupo de compra

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Shopping (Marketplace) iconMarketplace from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click Settings iconAjustes on the upper-right of the page.

  4. In the "Buying groups" tab, click image on the group's right-hand side, then select Actualizar detalles.

  5. In the side panel, enter the budget in the "Max Order Limit" and "Monthly Limit" fields. Please note that the max order limit must be less than the monthly limit. Gestione el presupuesto de un grupo de compra en Marketplace a través de la aplicación web.

  6. Click Actualizar.

Gestionar el presupuesto de un usuario

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Shopping (Marketplace) iconMarketplace from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click Settings iconAjustes on the upper-right of the page.

  4. In the "Users" tab, click image on the user's right-hand side, then select Actualizar detalles.

  5. In the side panel, enter the budget in the "Max Order limit" and "Monthly Limit" fields. Kindly note that the max order limit must be less than the monthly limit.

    • If a user is a member of a buying group, you can update their details to inherit the buying group’s budget for better management at scale. Manage a user's budget in the Marketplace via the web app.

  6. Click Actualizar.

If a user or buying group exceeds the maximum budget, you can review and approve the order under the "Order approvals" tab before placing it in the SafetyCulture Marketplace.

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