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Download lone-work jobs as CSV

Learn how to download lone-work jobs as CSV via the web app.

Please note that this feature is currently in Early Access. If you're interested, please contact your customer success manager to check if your organization is eligible.

Download lone-work jobs as CSV

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Lone Worker iconLone Worker from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Select History at the top of the page.

  4. Click image at the upper-right of the page. Download lone-work jobs as CSV via the web app.

CSV column headers

Column header



The status of a job.

ID number

The unique identifier of a job.

Job type

The type of job performed.


The user who conducted a job.


The date and time a job began.


The date and time a job was completed.


The total time taken to complete a job.

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