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Custom CSS for course themes

Learn more about custom CSS and how you can apply them to your training course themes via the web app.

Why use Custom CSS for course themes?

The Training feature in SafetyCulture platform offers a wide range of customization options for your training materials. You can manage course themes to select color schemes, add logos, and more to create visually impactful and engaging content. If you have coding knowledge and experience, you can customize your course themes beyond the available options we provide with custom CSS to create that "Wow" moment for your team members.

Applying custom CSS in the SafetyCulture Training feature falls outside the scope of our support. This means we can't help you with setup or troubleshooting or provide you with guidance. Additionally, as it's a custom code-based solution, we can’t guarantee its functionality or full compatibility with SafetyCulture Training. This includes how it functions with our responsive design and if it functions on all courses.

While we can't provide you with any more support, here are a few helpful resources that can point you in the right direction and get you started.

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