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Export, visualize, and compare my data

Learn how to export, visualize, and compare your data via integrations with SafetyCulture.

Export, visualize, and compare your data

Export and blend your operational data to extract decision-making insights using our direct connectors with business intelligence (BI) solutions and the SafetyCulture Exporter.

To learn more about other integration methods, check out our get started with integrations guide.

Analyze your data in PowerBI or Tableau

Direct connectors are first-party business intelligence (BI) tool integrations that we offer to customers on the Premium Plan and Enterprise Plan without additional costs. We currently offer direct connectors for the following BI tools:

Bulk export your data with the SafetyCulture Exporter

SafetyCulture Exporter is a data export tool that we offer to all customers on the Premium Plan and Enterprise Plan without additional charge. We offer the SafetyCulture Exporter in both an app version and a command-line interface (CLI) version, allowing you to export your SafetyCulture data, such as inspections, templates, schedules, and actions, to multiple formats that can be used for business intelligence tools and data warehouses or for record-keeping.

SafetyCulture Exporter is capable of exporting data to the following formats to a computer, a server, or a database:

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