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Load SafetyCulture data into AWS data warehouses

Learn how to load SafetyCulture data into AWS data warehouses.

If your organization doesn't use AWS as the data storage solution, you can interchange it with other options such as Azure.

What are data warehouses?

A data warehouse is a type of system that supports organizations to perform business intelligence operations, such as analytics. The data you store in a data warehouse is usually extracted from multiple application sources, including SafetyCulture.

Take note

  • This article's setup requires the SafetyCulture Exporter (CLI version) to facilitate the loading of your SafetyCulture data into your data warehouse. As the SafetyCulture Exporter (CLI version) is a command-line interface (CLI) tool, it needs to be installed on a virtual machine to be run.

Load SafetyCulture data into an AWS data warehouse

  1. Create an RDS instance. Make sure the inbound access is enabled for an EC2 connection.

  2. Create an EC2 instance. Make sure the inbound and outbound access are enabled for HTTP requests.

  3. Set up the SafetyCulture Exporter in your virtual machine with command lines:

    1. Download the latest version. Replace "3.x.x" with the latest version's version number.

      curl -OL

    2. Uncompress the "gzip" file. Replace "<filename>" with the filename.

      gzip -d <filename>

    3. Uncompress the "tar" file. Replace "<filename>" with the filename.

      tar xvf <filename>

    4. Create the configuration file.

      ./safetyculture-exporter configure

  4. Run the SafetyCulture Exporter to load data into your data warehouse. Replace "<dialect>" with your data warehouse's database dialect and "<connection-string>" with your connection string. Refer to our documentation for examples.

    ./safetyculture-exporter sql --db-dialect <dialect> --db-connection-string <connection-string>

  5. The SafetyCulture Exporter will automatically create and populate tables in your data warehouse. If you want to automate the loading of data, you can schedule runs with tools such as Amazon CloudWatch.

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