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Interpret inspection dates across time zones

Learn how to interpret inspection dates across time zones.

Why do inspection dates appear in different time zones?

Inspection dates can appear in different time zones if you have users conducting inspections in other parts of the world. If you have an inspection that you want to view, the date and time will be displayed dependent on your account or device's time zone setting.

Interpret inspection dates

Editing inspections

When editing an inspection, date and time responses are displayed in your device's time zone.

The account's time zone reflects on the inspection.

Viewing inspection reports

When viewing an inspection report, date and time responses are displayed in your SafetyCulture account's time zone.

The account's time zone is reflected on the inspection web report.

For example, if your account's time zone is set to Chicago time or CST (GMT-06) and you're viewing the report of an inspection that was started by someone in Sydney time or AEST (GMT+10), then the inspection that was started on May 3rd, 9 AM in Sydney would show as May 2nd, 6 PM for you in Chicago.

Viewing inspection information

When viewing the inspection list, dates are displayed in your device's time zone.The account's time zone is reflected in the inspection list via the web app.

When viewing an inspection's details, dates are displayed in your device's time zone.

Inspection details are shown on an Android device.

When viewing an inspection's details, dates are displayed in your device's time zone.

View inspection details via iOS mobile devices.

Frequently asked questions

Account time zone means the time zone that is set on your SafetyCulture account and the device timezone means the time zone setting on your mobile device and computer.

If you've never set up your SafetyCulture account's time zone, the setting will default to use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The time zone setting banner only appears when your SafetyCulture account time zone setting doesn't match your device time zone setting. We recommend that you always match the two to make sure the date and time you see are as consistent as possible.

The date and time in the web report will follow your account setting's time zone. If you don't have a specific time zone set, it'll default to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

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