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Supported web browsers and operating systems for SafetyCulture

Find out the web browsers and operating systems supported by the SafetyCulture web app.

In general, users should always use the latest version of their OS or web browser. At a minimum, customers should use OS and web browser versions that still have security support.

Web browsers and operating systems

The SafetyCulture web app is designed to be compatible with most web browsers on the following operating systems:

  • Windows

  • macOS

  • Modern Linux/Unix systems

We recommend using one of the following web browsers and keeping the version as up-to-date as possible:

Although you can use any web browser you prefer, some SafetyCulture features may not be fully supported beyond our list of recommended browsers.

Web browser features

Please note that JavaScript and cookies are required for SafetyCulture to function at its full capacity. Disabling any of them may result in a suboptimal experience.


SafetyCulture utilizes JavaScript extensively for interactive functionality. As most features in SafetyCulture require JavaScript, we recommend that it remains enabled at all times. Learn how to enable Javascript in your web browser.


SafetyCulture uses cookies to cache user preferences. As disabling cookies may result in a suboptimal browsing experience in SafetyCulture, we recommend that you enable cookies for SafetyCulture websites. Learn how to manage your cookie settings.

As part of our commitment to security, we only support connections using TLS 1.2 or above. This ensures that we establish industry-accepted security standards and that our communications are kept secure with our customers.

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