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Filter and sort actions

Learn how to filter and sort your actions list via both the web app and the mobile app.

As you report and assign more actions, your list can become harder to manage. Filtering and sorting options can help you narrow down the list and access the actions you need to view and update or export to CSV easily!

Take note

  • Filtering and sorting options between the web app and the mobile app are slightly different.

  • Turning "Hide closed" on will make closed statuses unavailable from the "Status" filter option.

Filters and sorting orders you apply on the web app and mobile app will stay in place, even if you navigate between pages or log out and log in.

Filter actions

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Actions from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Click Add section button within TrainingAdd filter on the upper-left of the page and select from the filter options. You can choose how you want to view your actions by selecting between List iconList, Calendar (dates) iconCalendar, and BoardBoard on the upper-right of the page.

    • Status: Select the statuses you want to filter by.

    • Assignee: Select the assignees you want to filter by.

    • Site: Select the sites you want to filter by. You can also select different levels in your site hierarchy.

    • Template: Select the templates you want to filter by. This is not applicable to standalone actions.

    • Inspection: Select the inspections you want to filter by. This is not applicable to standalone actions.

    • Creator: Select the creators you want to filter by.

    • Due date: Select the due date range you want to filter by.

    • Created: Select the created date range you want to filter by.

    • Updated: Select the updated date range you want to filter by.

    • Asset: Select the asset you want to filter by.

    • Label: Select the label you want to filter by.

  4. Click Done once you've selected the items to filter by.

  5. This refreshes your view to show only actions matching your filter.

  6. On the upper-left of the page, you can click Calendar (day) iconOverdue actions to view actions that are overdue, or click Single user / person iconAssigned to me to view actions that are assigned to you.

  7. On the upper-right of the page, you can turn Hide closed on to hide actions that are in closed statuses.

  8. You can stack multiple filters and narrow down your view even further. Or click clear on existing filters to remove them and start again.

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Tap Actions at the bottom of your screen.

  3. Tap image at the upper-left of your screen. You can choose how you want to view your actions by selecting between image and image at the upper-right of your screen.

  4. Select from the filter options:

    • Status: Select the statuses you want to filter by.

    • Assignee: Select the assignees you want to filter by.

    • Site: Select the sites you want to filter by. You can also select different levels in your site hierarchy

    • Creator: Select the creators you want to filter by.

    • Due date: Select the due date range you want to filter by.

    • Created: Select the created date range you want to filter by.

    • Updated: Select the updated date range you want to filter by.

    • Asset: Select the asset you want to filter by.

    • Label: Select the label you want to filter by.

    • Hide closed: Turn on to hide actions that are in closed statuses.

  5. Return to view actions by tapping the arrow at the upper-left for Android devices or Done at the upper-right for iOS devices.

  6. This refreshes your view to show only actions matching your filter.

  7. At the top of your screen, tap Overdue actions to view actions that are overdue, or tap Assigned to me to view actions that are assigned to you.

  8. You can stack multiple filters and narrow down your view even further. Or tap image on existing filters along the top of the actions list to remove and start again.

Sort actions

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. Select Actions from the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. If you're viewing your actions as Calendar (dates) iconCalendar or BoardBoard, switch to List iconList on the upper-right of the page.

  4. By default, the list is sorted by "Modified date" from the most recently modified.

  5. Click the blue text above the actions list, next to the up or down arrow, to sort by other options.

    • Creation date: Sort by action creation date.

    • Due date: Sort by action due date.

    • Modified date: Sort by action last modified date.

    • Priority: Sort by action priority.

  6. You can also click the arrow to sort the list in order based on the option you've selected:

    • Creation date: Down arrow sorts from the most recently created action. Up arrow sorts from the oldest action by creation.

    • Due date: Down arrow sorts from actions without due dates selected. Up arrow sorts from the action with the oldest due date.

    • Modified date: Down arrow sorts from the most recently modified/updated action. Up arrow sorts from the oldest action by date modified/updated.

    • Priority: Down arrow sorts from actions with "High" priority. Up arrow sorts from actions with no priority assigned.

  1. Open the mobile app.

  2. Tap Actions at the bottom of your screen.

  3. If you're viewing your actions as image, switch to view as image at the upper-right of your screen.

  4. By default, the list is sorted by "Last updated".

  5. Tap the dropdown menu next to the filter icon at the top of the actions list.

  6. Select from the sorting options:

    • Last updated: Sort from the most recently modified/updated action.

    • Due date: Sort from the action with the oldest due date.

    • Date created: Sort from the most recently created action.

    • Priority: Sort from actions with "High" priority.

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